Saturday, 23 November 2013

yoga swing in the park

One of the great things about the yoga swing is the way you can comfortably hang upside down in it. You can hang it from a beam in the house, a frame, or, our favourite, a tree in the local park, in this case, Glastonbury Abbey Park.

"Inversion gives an excellent controlled workout to the muscles necessary for a healthy spine. The Yoga Swing helps to strengthen the lower abdominal muscles, creating a strong central core in the body which enables the entire bodily structure to become strong and unified.  Strong back, abdominal and hip muscles enable us to resist gravity, hold us up, keep the spine and pelvis in alignment and allow fluid movement."

Thursday, 21 November 2013

intro to food for consciousness

In this interview with Tom Carter of CarterTV I tell how I started experimenting with my diet in order to produce changes in the way I feel, why we need undamaged amino acids, fatty acids and fruit compounds for optimal brain chemistry, how raw food helps supply these and how to make raw food work for you nutritionally long term. We then move on to talk about the wonderful chemistry of kefir and our new project producing and distributing beautiful Jersey milk kefir.