The first 1958 Neurophone consisted of components you can find in every household, such as a HiFi stereo device, metal cleaning sponges and plastic sandwich bags. Dr. Flanagan has continually improved the Neurophone since then. The later models include an acoustic feedback mechanism (real-time feedback), which automatically adjusts the resonance to the Neurophone user's body.
When you use the Neurophone your body becomes part of the oscillator circuit and works as a kind of radio receiver. Only if you put both electrodes onto your body, the circuit closes and you can hear the sound. With the feedback mechanism, the transmitted signals are being adjusted to the user's specific energies. These energies depend on your mood, your form on the day and even on factors such as your diet.
The Neurophone encodes sounds that the electrodes then transmit to the brain via a carrier wave in the ultrasound range. The Neurophone uses the specific code for sound signals that the brain can decode as sound. The basic ultrasound signal does not transmit any specific information. The Neurophone user is therefore not being actively “programed” with specific frequencies. The user himself can decide on the kind of information he wants to receive by making a personal selection of sounds to be transmitted together with the ultrasound signal, for example by connecting an external sound device such as a CD player and a language learning or meditation CD. The new Neurophone NF3 is delivered with a CD that offers various frequencies.
When transmitting stimuli, the Neurophone bypasses our usual ways to receive and process information and can therefore also bypass energetic blockades. Sounds that are being received in the usual way, through our ears, are being filtered and our subconsciousness examines their “importance”. This way, information are being selected and partly suppressed. The “Neurophone way of transmission” to the brain bypasses this selection.
The Neurophone bypasses the whole usual hearing process. This is why even deaf people can hear with the Neurophone (That depends on the kind of auditory defect the person is suffering from). With his Neurophone, Patrick Flanagan has discovered an additional sense everybody has but that we usually do not use: We can hear through our skin. The Neurophone makes the small metal plates at the top of the electrodes vibrate. These vibrations are being transmitted to the skin as soon as the electrodes touch the skin. The skin then transfers the vibrations. The skin is our largest organ and has many nerve cells that work like sensors. The receive stimuli and transfer the received stimuli to the brain.
Patrick Flanagan has discovered the code with which the brain decodes sound information. Simply said, he translates sound information into vibrations which are then being transmitted to the brain via the skin's tactile sensors. The code is being decoded in the bran and then the brain can again interpret the signals it has received as sound information.
Sounds and information that are to be transmitted via the Neurophone are coupled with the basic ultrasound signal. The Neurophone transmits the signals via the skin to the saccule, a small bed of sensory cells situated in the inner ear. The saccule was
formerly considered as only being important for maintaining balance. Today, we know that the saccule is an ultrasound organ that serves mammals such as whales and dolphins to perceive ultrasound. Patrick Flanagan says that our ancestors possibly communicated with whales or dolphins via the saccule...
Nerve endings connect the saccule with various regions of the brain, such as the area for long-term memory. The brain again decodes the received signals and perceives them as sound. The Neurophone can therefore transmit sound information or lesson contents to the brain without bypasses or filters.
Nerve endings connect the saccule with various regions of the brain, such as the area for long-term memory. The brain again decodes the received signals and perceives them as sound. The Neurophone can therefore transmit sound information or lesson contents to the brain without bypasses or filters.
It is, however, important to know that the Neurophone's main function is neither hearing nor learning. Its core function is hidden in the ultrasound signal that is beyond the audibility limit. The dolphin therapy has shown that ultrasound waves have a relaxing and calming down effect. Studies found that the Neurophone begins to synchronize the cerebral hemispheres after only half an hour. Our left cerebral hemisphere (logic, linear, rational) processes information in a completely different way than our right hemisphere (creative, context-related, emotional/intuitive). If you “combine” the two cerebral hemispheres, a completely new form of processing information is possible and, theoretically, an unlimited IQ. For further information on the Neurophone, please have a look at the free ebook by Katrin Klink and the free Neurophone online magazine.
Patrick Flanagan says the Neurophone is a “device for experiments”. Users indeed often have different experiences. In addition to boost learning, Patrick Flanagan says you can use the Neurophone for relaxation and meditation, among other things. If you do not want to transmit sound information using the Neurophone could not be more simple. You switch the Neurophone on and put both electrodes onto your bare skin. The device will do everything else, even if you want to work or learn while using it.