Sunday 30 January 2011

Salbuchi - your free will - The global power elite's Achilles heel

"the global power elite needs you to be a willing be sell your soul to sign a virtual contract  in which you say "i will obey.. if only you will let me live and give me some rights" RIGHTS!!! - that are yours inalienably - you don't need the elite to give them to you... this is a key truth as old as mankind...they need you to serve them from your own free will...this is an Achilles heel which the elite have...many a Hollywood film has spelled this out...don't be a collaborator..."

"this is a key truth as old as mankind...they need you to serve them from your own free will...this is an Achilles heel which the elite have...many a Hollywood film has spelled this out...don't be a collaborator...who's responsible for this mess - you need only look into a mirror..."

Our minds are hijacked into thinking we are doing these things for our own is as if we have forgotten our true purpose in the process.

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